Web Log Archives 2015 |
Marriage |
Here is Brunner on marriage among the Geistigen: This is surely the alpha and the omega of the Gemeinschaft der Geistigen. |
Kabbalah and feminism |
Harry Waton concludes The Philosophy of the Kabbalah with a startling affirmation of feminism: What a satisfaction it is to see feminism integrated into the whole matrix of social/spiritual progress, indeed as its ultimate objective Art work by Andrew A. Gonzales |
Fractal architecture |
Josean Figueroa (previously), has a new book entitled Wright - Klumb: Fractal Integral Architecture. My interest in intellectual life was reawakened when I found at a local library Benoit Mandelbrot’s The Fractal Geometry of Nature. This book initiated my quest to integrate mind, nature and science. Part of this quest involved delving into architecture, which led to a deep appreciation for Frank Lloyd Wright. It is most satisfying to see this all coming together in Josean’s work. |
Schleiermacher |
Friedrich Schleiermacher provides much to help guide the Gemeinschaft der Geistigen. In On religion : speeches to its cultured despisers, he carefully differentiates between true religion and priestliness from the mere imitation thereof. Acknowledging that imitation dominates the culture, he provides advice for those who want to live authentically spiritual lives. He writes: Thus, in times when spirit is hounded from the world at large, each inspirited home can serve as an island sanctuary, a nucleus for growth and a point of connection within the global Gemeinschaft der Geistigen. |
Geistigen und Volk |
Human history is centered on the war between those who assert that man is spirit made flesh and those who oppose this view. The leaders of the first group are the great spiritual geniuses: Moses, Socrates, Christ and Spinoza. Men like Marx further their work. On the other side stand the masses who, under their scholarly leaders, deny the spiritual nature of man and of the world. The work of the Geistigen is to constitute themselves as a community for self-protection from the Volk. By separating the Geistigen from the Volk, détente will replace antagonism between the two groups. This in turn will allow the Volk to become ever more aligned with the Geistigen against the pseudo-elites of economics, politics, religion and scholarship, leading ultimately to the establishment of a true social/spiritual democracy. |
C. Wright Mills |
C. Wright Mills is a titan of social spirit, a true rarity in the American landscape of the twentieth century. He writes: You've asked me, 'What might you be?' Now I answer you: 'I am a Wobbly.' I mean this spiritually and politically. In saying this I refer less to political orientation than to political ethos, and I take Wobbly to mean one thing: the opposite of bureaucrat. […] I am a Wobbly, personally, down deep, and for good. I am outside the whale, and I got that way through social isolation and self-help. But do you know what a Wobbly is? It's a kind of spiritual condition. Don't be afraid of the word, Tovarich. A Wobbly is not only a man who takes orders from himself. He's also a man who's often in the situation where there are no regulations to fall back upon that he hasn't made up himself. He doesn't like bosses –capitalistic or communistic – they are all the same to him. He wants to be, and he wants everyone else to be, his own boss at all times under all conditions and for any purposes they may want to follow up. This kind of spiritual condition, and only this, is Wobbly freedom.—C. Wright Mills: Letters and Autobiographical Writings, p. 252 This is a beautiful manifesto of spiritual/social emancipation. I thank my father, a life-long devotee of Mills, for bringing this great man to my attention. |
Gemeinschaft der Geistigen—constitution |
I have come up with a basic set of principles, components and activities for the Gemeinschaft der Geistigen:
PrinciplesI am using this constitution to guide my work with my group here in Edmonton. |
The Nearings |
[T]he urgent human need is not greater freedom, but a crusade led by a dedicated minority to perform tasks that demand knowledge, training, experience and disciplined group action. Freedom is not enough. The power age is in desperate need not so much of free men and women as of disciplined, responsible, dedicated citizens.—Freedom : promise and menace; a critique on the cult of freedomCan the essential principles of the Nearings’ quest for the good life be applied in an urban environment? What do we require to build a truly social economy? These are the questions that must be addressed in any attempt to establish a Gemeinschaft der Geistigen. |
Older |