home catalog studies
From An Open Letter to Jews and Christians / John Cournos. New York: Oxford University. Press, 1938.

There is a fundamental, dignified reason for the Jewish reclamation of Jesus. A very simple, very honest reason. And that is that Jesus was a Jew—the best of Jews. That Jesus was essentially and even quintessentially a Jew, must not for an instant be lost sight of. Jesus was not only a Jew. He was the apex and acme of Jewish teaching, which began with Moses and ran the entire evolving gamut of kings, teachers, prophets, and rabbis—David and Isaiah and Daniel and Hillel—until their pith and essense crystalized in this greatest of all Jews....

For a Jew, therefore, to forget that Jesus was a Jew, and to deny him, is to forget and deny all the Jewish teaching that was before Jesus; it is to reject the Jewish heritage, to betray what was best in Israel....

Our rabbis should frankly and openly affirm that Christ is our own, our very own, flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone, and he came not to destroy the Law or the prophets. . . but to fulfill. He is our prophet, our greatest prophet.